From very soft to very hard materials, from flexible to rigid products, and from cold to hot environments, polyurethanes are used in a remarkably broad range of applications. While many industries already rely extensively on polyurethane chemicals to bring high performance and durability to their products in a cost-effective way, new uses and new applications are constantly being developed. Wondering what polyols and isocyanates can do for you? Our experts have the answers.

Slabstock Flexible Foam
As a leading supplier to the slabstock foam industry, we offer the raw materials that bring comfort and innovation to mattresses, furniture and improve productivity at foam manufacturing plants.

Molded Flexible Foam
Sustainability, reliability, and innovation. At BASF, we understand the needs of automotive seating, furniture manufacturing and the many other uses of molded polyurethane foam. Find out here how our polyols and isocyanates can give shape to your ideas.

Polyiso and Rigid Foam Insulation
From roof insulation, to building envelope, to appliances, our polyols and isocyanates create the chemistry that brings energy efficiency to homes and commercial buildings.

Coatings, adhesives, sealants, elastomers, binders and so much more. One of the broadest portfolios for basic polyurethane chemicals in the industry for the diverse needs of CASE applications.

Controlled Release Fertilizers (CRF)
As an example of recent innovation pioneered by BASF, polyurethane technologies are making fertilizers smarter by controlling release rates in situ. The results? Improved performance, improved environmental profile, and cost-effectiveness.

Binders for Oriented Strand Board (OSB)
Thanks to improved performance and increased productivity, MDI has become the binder of choice for OSB production. With dedicated wood binder laboratories and in-depth understanding OSB mills operations, BASF is at the forefront of customer support for safe isocyanates handling and optimization of MDI use at OSB production plants.

Binders for Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF)
With years of expertise with the use of MDI as wood binder and our knowledge of the MDF manufacturing process, BASF is in a unique position to help you develop better products, run faster production line and achieve cost savings with MDI as binder for MDF production.

Binders for Particle Board (PB)
Boards with improved water resistance and production lines that operate faster can be achieved when converting your PB plant to MDI. Looking for a solution to take your PB production to the next level? Our conversion team is here to help.

Asphalt Modication
Innovation at BASF is showcased in this new product for asphalt modification. Polyurethane based technologies are improving roads while simplifying manufacturing processes for asphalt terminals and paving companies.

Polyurethane Systems
BASF also offers formulated polyurethane systems for a broad range of applications. Polyurethane systems are available through our Performance Materials division.