The use of polymeric MDI as binder for engineered wood products has expanded considerably in recent years. By replacing alternative binder systems, polymeric MDI has helped manufacturers of OSB, MDF and PB improve product properties (e.g. water resistance), achieve cost savings through better productivity, and comply with formaldehyde emission regulations where applicable.
At BASF, we understand the importance of technical expertise to achieve a safe and successful transition from traditional binder systems to MDI and appreciate the need for ongoing optimization to get the most isocyanate technology in wood board mills. With well-established MDI grades for engineered wood products, and a dedicated team of researchers and application development specialists, BASF is here to assist with process and product development, and help you stay at the cutting edge of MDI use for OSB, MDF and PB manufacturing.

Binders for Oriented Strand Board (OSB)
Thanks to improved performance and increased productivity, MDI has become the binder of choice for OSB production. With dedicated wood binder laboratories and in-depth understanding OSB mills operations, BASF is at the forefront of customer support for safe isocyanates handling and optimization of MDI use at OSB production plants.

Binders for Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF)
With years of expertise with the use of MDI as wood binder and our knowledge of the MDF manufacturing process, BASF is in a unique position to help you develop better products, run faster production line and achieve cost savings with MDI as binder for MDF production.

Binders for Particle Board (PB)
Boards with improved water resistance and production lines that operate faster can be achieved when converting your PB plant to MDI. Looking for a solution to take your PB production to the next level? Our conversion team is here to help.