Willie Wesley III and Mark McBride, Technical Service Representatives, Urethane Flexible Chemicals, Monomers North America, win the Dr. Herman Stone Technical Excellence Award for best technical paper voted by those attending at the 2021 Polyurethane Foam Association (PFA) fall technical conference.
Recognizing employees for a job well done goes without saying. When peers recognize hard work within the industry, it makes success so much sweeter. Willie Wesley III and Mark McBride, Technical Service Representatives, Urethane Flexible Chemicals, Monomers North America, can attest to this feeling. At the close of the 2021 Polyurethane Foam Association (PFA) fall technical conference, their presentation, “Recent Advances in Flexible Foam,” received the Dr. Herman Stone Technical Excellence Award for best technical paper voted by industry representatives attending the conference.
"As our customers move towards softer polyurethane foam formulations that exhibit slower cure times and tackiness," said Mark, "we continue to improve our product portfolio to meet their needs and improve foam performance."
"When we innovate, our customers and the market expect us to bring top quality," said Willie. "Our paper on Pluracol 2029 and Elastopan 5291 TW, was received as such."